Dearest Pauline As your loved ones prepare for a difficult day tomorrow I am reminded that your life was one to be celebrated. Death is not an easy part of life to comprehend, let alone accept. I wish them all strength and courage. I am reminded today of a conversation we had once. You lived your life with such determination and passion. What is a life in abundance??? It's quite simple... Life is not measured by what you have... But rather by what you DO with your time. A great life is not the car you drive, having designer shoes or clothes, the materialistic things that are wants and not needs. None of these things go with you the day you die. Earthly things don't define who you really are. A great life is when you are gone and the people you have met, the children you have raised and the impact you have on someone else's life is echoed through eternity. Anyone and everyone who has ever met you even if it's just for a hour, a day, a month, a year or a lifetime has loved and respected you. You were so right in saying something similar to me once. I did not fully understand it at the time but you practiced this every day. You lived a life in abundance because you were loved and you lived unconditionally. You gave your time to people, your children, grandchildren, family and friend and they will never forget you because of the impact you had on their lives. You lived your life for God and others and if I can be half the woman you were I would be proud. Reading the thoughts and how much people love and will miss you just affirms that the life you lived was great. It was perfect in every way. In your death everybody who knew you will remember this about you and I am positive everyone will lead by your great example. Your candle will continue to shine through your children, grandchildren and loved ones because you are loved and adored. Your inner beauty will never fade because you gave of yourself to everyone and they carry that with them for eternity. As your family prepares for tomorrow I know you will comfort them from up above. You are alive in each and everyone of them. And that is more precious than anything money can buy. Always in my heart Lauren Xxx